(南京医科大学附属淮安第一医院儿科,江苏 淮安 223300)
Predictive effect of peripheral blood system inflammation indicators on acute asthma attacks in children
(Department of Pediatrics, the Affiliated Huai'an No.1 People's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huai'an, Jiangsu 223300, China)
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Received:March 27, 2023   Published Online:September 19, 2023
中文摘要: 目的 探讨在对儿童哮喘急性发作及其病情严重程度的预判中,外周血系统炎症指标[中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比值(NLR)、血小板/淋巴细胞比值(PLR)和全身免疫炎症指数(SII)]的价值。方法 回顾性选取2020年1月至2022年8月在淮安市第一人民医院儿科确诊的哮喘急性发作期患儿80例为哮喘组,其中,重度和危重度患儿39例为重症组,轻中度患儿41例为非重症组,选取同期健康体检儿童60例为对照组,检测各组外周血细胞计数并计算NLR、PLR和SII;采用ROC曲线分析各指标对哮喘急性发作及重症发作的预测价值。结果 与对照组相比,哮喘组NLR(Z =5.678,P<0.01)、PLR(Z =2.889,P<0.01)、SII(Z =5.343,P<0.01)水平均较高。重症组NLR(Z =3.393,P<0.01)、PLR(Z =2.787,P<0.01)、SII(Z =3.489, P<0.01)水平均高于非重症组。ROC曲线分析显示,NLR、PLR、SII预测哮喘急性发作的AUC分别为0.781(95%CI:0.705~0.853, P<0.01)、0.643(95%CI: 0.551~0.735, P<0.01)、0.764(95%CI: 0.685~0.843, P<0.01),以NLR的AUC最高,灵敏度和特异度分别为68.8%和76.7%。NLR、PLR、SII预测哮喘急性重症发作的AUC分别为0.720(95%CI: 0.608~0.833, P<0.01)、0.681(95%CI: 0.559~0.803, P<0.01)、0.727(95%CI: 0.615~0.838, P<0.01),以SII的AUC最高,灵敏度和特异度分别为61.5%和80.5%。结论 外周血NLR、PLR、SII对儿童哮喘急性发作及重症发作有一定预测价值。
Abstract:Objective To explore the value of peripheral blood system inflammation indicators such as neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and systemic immune inflammation index (SII) in predicting the acute attack and severity of asthma in children. Methods Eighty children with acute exacerbation of asthma diagnosed in the Department of Pediatrics of Huai'an First People's Hospital from January 2020 to August 2022 were retrospectively selected as the asthma group, including 39 severe and critically ill children as the severe group, 41 mild to moderate children as the non-severe group, and 60 healthy children in the same period were selected as the control group. The peripheral blood cell count was detected, and NLR, PLR and SII were calculated. ROC curve was used to analyze the predictive value of each index for acute attack and severe attack of asthma. Results Compared with the control group, the levels of NLR (Z=5.678, P<0.01=, PLR (Z=2.889, P<0.01= and SII (Z=5.343, P<0.01= in the asthma group were higher. NLR (Z=3.393, P<0.01=, PLR (Z=2.787, P<0.01= and SII (Z=3.489, P<0.01= levels in severe group were higher than those in non-severe group. ROC curve analysis showed that the AUC of NLR, PLR and SII in predicting acute attack of asthma were 0.781 (95%CI: 0.705-0.853, P<0.01=, 0.643 (95%CI: 0.551-0.735, P<0.01=and 0.764 (95%CI: 0.685-0.843, P<0.01=, respectively. The AUC of NLR was the highest, with sensitivity and specificity of 68.8% and 76.7% respectively. The AUC of NLR, PLR and SII in predicting acute severe asthma attack were 0.720 (95%CI: 0.608-0.833, P<0.01), 0.681 (95%CI: 0.559-0.803, P<0.01) and 0.727(95%CI: 0.615-0.838, P<0.01), respectively. The AUC of SII was the highest, with sensitivity and specificity of 61.5% and 80.5% respectively. Conclusion NLR, PLR and SII in peripheral blood have certain predictive value for acute attack and severe attack of asthma in children.
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