Instructions for Authors

Information for Authors

Chinese Journal of Clinical Research (ISSN 1674-8182) is a national comprehensive medical journal under the supervision of National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, and sponsored by Chinese Preventive Medicine Association. The aim of the journal is to combine theory and practice, applicability and enhancement, to report new clinical theories, new technologies, new methods, to guide clinical practice and to provide an academic exchange platform for clinical staff. This journal focuses on publishing research articles on the prevention and treatment of malignant tumors, major chronic diseases and their complications, the prevention and treatment of clinical and major organ dysfunction, and the prevention and control of public health emergencies.


1. Journal Columns

Including Expert Forum/Academic Frontier, Original Research Articles, Clinical Research, Clinical Practice, Medical Technology, Chinese Medicine and Integrative Medicine, Case Report, Review Articles, Nursing, etc.


2. Manuscript Requirements

2.1 Basic Requirements:

The journal gives priority to manuscripts with funds or projects above the provincial and ministerial level, as well as Master and Doctoral papers. The manuscript should indicate project number and attach a copy of fund certificate. Authors could refer to published articles by the journal for the layout and structure of manuscript. Clinical experimental research should comply with the ethical guidelines of medical research and authors should provide relevant certificates of ethical review.


2.2 Manuscript Style & Design:

Manuscript should be advanced, scientific and practical, with clear and definite argument, accurate and reliable data, refined text and correct statistical processing method. Original Articles should not be less than 8,000 words (4 pages of this journal); Review Articles should not be less than 7,800 words (3 pages of this journal) and general manuscript should not be less than 6,000 words (3 pages of this journal).


2.3 Title:

The title should be concise and accurately reflecting the theme of the article. The Chinese title should be less than 20 words, and the English title should not exceed 10 words. Generally, there shall be no subheading in the manuscript.


2.4 Abstracts:

The manuscript should have a Chinese structured abstract of 400-500 words (including Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion), and corresponding English abstract, English article title, Chinese phonetic alphabet of authors’ names, English name and postal code of authors’ institutions, etc. The abstract should be written in the third person. Avoid repeating the article title in the part of Objective. The research methods must be clarified in the abstract. The main data and statistical results should be listed in the part of Results. The Conclusion should correspond to the Objective.


2.5 Keywords:

Each manuscript should have 2 to 8 keywords. The keywords should be selected from the latest edition of Index Medicus edited by American National Library of Medicine. The Chinese translation can refer to the Medical Subject Headings Annotated Alphabetic List (MeSHAAL) compiled by the Institute of Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. New professional terms not included in MeSHAAL, also known as Free Words, can be used directly as keywords, ranking last. Abbreviations should be restored to their full names according to MeSHAAL. Keywords should be separated by “;”. The first letter of each English keywords should be capitalized.


2.6 Text:

Preface should not be too brief, and should explain the current situation at home and abroad, as well as the significance of this study. Research method should be as detailed as possible. Batch number, source and feeding method of test animals should be indicated clearly. Manufacturer and batch number of drugs should be indicated clearly. Instruments should be marked with manufacturer and model. Statistical methods should be described in detail, indicating t value, χ2value, etc.

Results should list the relevant data and their statistical comparison in detail. Discussion should be carried out in combination with the results of this study and recent research findings at home and abroad. Discussion should not be written into a summary. The length of the discussion generally does not exceed 1/3 of the full text.


2.7 Images & Charts:

The images and charts in the manuscript should be minimal and precise. All tables should be in the form of three-line table. Please provide clear electronic version of all images. The images are required to have good clarity and contrast, and each image needs to be annotated or explained. The titles of images and charts must be in both Chinese and English.


2.8 Medical Terms & Units of Measurement:

All the medical terms shall be written in accordance with relevant standards, and abbreviations shall not be used casually. Medical terms shall be those approved and published by China National Committee for Terminology in Science and Technology. The names of Chinese and Western drugs shall be those in the latest edition of the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China or the Chinese Approved Drug Names compiled by the Pharmacopoeia Committee of the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China. English drug name should adopt the international non-patent drug name instead of the trade name. Units of measurement shall comply with the provisions on quantity, unit and symbol in GB 3100~3102.1~13-1993 Quantities and Units and its writing rules.


2.9 Numbers:

Numbers should be in accordance with the General Rules for Writing Numerals in Publications (GB/T 15835-1995). Two digits should be kept after the decimal point. Arabic numerals should be used for century, year, month, day, time, counting and measurement of Gregorian calendar. In terms of the range and deviation of percentage, percentage symbol of the previous number cannot be omitted, such as 5%-95% cannot be written as 5 -95%, and (50.2 ± 0.6) % cannot be written as 50.2 ± 0.6%. Multiplying numerical values with dimensional units should be written as follows: 4 cm × 3 cm × 5 cm, cannot be written as 4 × 3 × 5 cm3. Statistical symbols shall be written in accordance with Statistics-Vocabulary and Symbols (GB/T 3358-2009). Statistical methods should be described in detail.


2.10 References:

The references shall be described by sequential coding according to the Information and Documentation - Rules for Bibliographic References and Citations to Information Resources (GB/T 7714-2015). References must be based on recent literature that the author has personally read. It is required that there should be no less than 40 references for review articles, no less than 20 references for original articles, no less than 15 references for clinical research and no less than 15 references for nursing articles. Among them, more than 1/3 of the references should be journal literature published in recent 2 years. Authors should cite literature from books as few as possible. References must be noted in the text. For example:

[1] 中国血友病协作组, 陈振萍, 刘葳, 等. 药物代谢动力学指导血友病A治疗的中国专家共识[J].中国临床研究, 2021, 34(5): 577-581,591.

Chinese Hemophilia Collaborative Group, Chen ZP, Liu W, et al. Chinese expert consensus on pharmacokinetics guiding the treatment of hemophilia A[J]. Chin J Clin Res, 2021, 34(5): 577-581,591.

[2] West R, Kobokovich A, Connell N, et al. COVID-19 Antibody Tests: A Valuable Public Health Tool with Limited Relevance to Individuals[J]. Trends Microbiol, 2021,29(3):214-223.


3. Charging Standards

3.1 Review Fee:

Authors need to pay a review fee of 30 Yuan for each manuscript. After the Editorial Department receives the review fee, the manuscript can enter the review process.


3.2 Publication Fee:

After the manuscript is reviewed and accepted by the journal, the authors will be notified to pay the publication fee, which is 900 Yuan per page. If the article has color pictures or charts that are complex and need to be made by professional institutions or personnel, an additional fee of 300-500 Yuan will be charged to the authors as appropriate. For excellent manuscripts and authors in need, we provide the service of “Fast Publishing” to meet the urgent publishing needs of the authors. For articles published via “Fast Publishing”, the publication fee will be increased appropriately.


4. The Review of Manuscripts

Chinese Journal of Clinical Research follows a single-blind peer review process. It takes about 45 to 60 days to review the manuscript. If the manuscript is not accepted by the journal, the Editorial Department will notify the authors through the submission system. For a detailed description of the review process, please refer to "Manuscript Review Process".


5. Misconduct Detection

Chinese Journal of Clinical Research only accepts original articles that are not under consideration by any other journal and that have not been published before, and submissions must not contain any instances of plagiarism. We adopt the AMLC system provided by China National Knowledge Internet (CNKI) to check whether the manuscript involves plagiarism. Plagiarism and other academic misconduct are strictly prohibited by this journal.


6. Authorship Criteria

6.1 Authorship:

All authors must fill in and sign the "Author Contribution Statement Form" of the journal to declare their individual contribution to the article, and they must have materially participated in the research and/or article preparation. All authors should have made substantial contributions to the following: conception and design of the study, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation of data; drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; or final approval of the version to be submitted.


6.2 Changes to Authorship:

Any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made before the manuscript has been accepted. To request such a change, the corresponding author must specify the reason for the change in the author list and send the letter of confirmation from all authors to the Editorial Department to indicate every author agrees to the revision. In the case of addition or removal of authors, this needs to include the confirmation from the authors being added or removed.


6.3 Authors’ rights:

After a manuscript is accepted, authors of the manuscript need to sign a "Copyright Transfer Agreement" with the Editorial Department to transfer the copyright of the article to Chinese Journal of Clinical Research. The copyright belongs to the Editorial Department of Chinese Journal of Clinical Research, but authors have the right to use their article under the Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND) adopted by Chinese Journal of Clinical Research.


7. Digital Archiving Policy

The Print-copy and digital copy of all issues are archived in the Editorial Department. All other relevant information, such as author’s additional information and forms during submission, are also archived in the Editorial Department. In addition to archiving on the official journal website, all articles published in the history by the journal are stored in the database of China National Knowledge Internet (CNKI). We also allow authors to deposit all versions of their articles in an institutional or other repository of the authors’ choice. However, it is necessary to indicate the published information in the metadata of institutional or other repository and use it as a recommended way of citation.


8. Other Information

According to the relevant provisions of the "Copyright Law", the responsibility of the manuscript is at the authors’ own risk. The Editorial Department of the journal has the right to revise the manuscript, and any revision involving the original meaning of the content will be brought to the authors’ consideration. Authors and readers can visit the official journal website ( to obtain more information about this journal.



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