(1. 滨州医学院烟台附属医院口腔颌面外科,山东 烟台 264100;2. 滨州医学院口腔医学院口腔颌面外科,山东 烟台 264003;3. 滨州医学院烟台附属医院超声医学科,山东 烟台 264100)
Research status and progress of the temporomandibular joint chondromatosis
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Received:August 11, 2023   Published Online:July 20, 2024
中文摘要: 颞下颌关节软骨瘤病临床比较少见,其特征为滑膜内的软骨结节性化生,并伴有游离体形成。该疾病是一种良性增生性疾病,亦有报道认为是一种肿瘤。目前,WHO已经将其归为具有局部侵袭性的中间型肿瘤。一般中年女性好发,临床主要表现有关节区疼痛、下颌运动功能受限和捻发音等。影像学检查,特别是MRI检查,对评估游离体以及关节区软硬组织极为重要。治疗通过关节镜手术、开放性手术或关节镜联合开放性手术进行游离体及滑膜切除等。本文对其研究现状与进度作一综述。
Abstract:Temporomandibular joint chondromatosis is relatively rare in clinical practice, characterized by nodular metaplasia of cartilage within the synovium, accompanied by the formation of loose bodies. The disease is a benign proliferative disease, and it has also been reported as a tumor. At present, WHO has classified it as an intermediate tumor with local invasiveness. Middle-aged women are generally more prone to the disease. the disease with clinical manifestations mainly including joint pain, limited mandibular motor function, and crepitus. Imaging examinations, especially MRI, are extremely important for evaluating loose bodies and soft and hard tissues in the joint area. Treatments involve loose body and synovial resection through arthroscopic surgery, open surgery, or a combination of arthroscopic and open surgery.
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