(上海交通大学附属第六人民医院 上海交通大学中国医院发展研究院公立医院党建研究所,上海 200233)
Current situation analysis and development countermeasure of medical resources integration in outer suburbs of Shanghai under medical alliance
(The Sixth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200233, China)
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Received:July 23, 2021   Published Online:February 20, 2022
中文摘要: 2012年上海市政府通过启动实施“5+3+1”工程,加快郊区三级医院建设,推动全市优质医疗资源布局更加均衡。作为工程项目的上海某三甲医院分院区通过医联体建设,积极发挥优质医疗资源辐射作用,推动远郊医疗资源整合。2021年按照市政府部署,该院启动一体化建设,并计划建设区域紧密型医联体,推进区域医疗资源整合。本课题在梳理分析区域医疗资源现状和做法的基础上,尝试提出发展对策:立足牵头医院高质量一体化发展进程,按照“政府主导、资源整合、部门联动”的基本原则,推进建立区域紧密型医疗联合体,并通过优化医联体建设体制机制、建立医联体管理运行主体、成立医联体党建联盟等,统筹属地政府、主管部门、牵头医院、成员单位等各方力量,加强整合资源配置,将区域内医疗机构逐步建设成为集服务、责任、利益、管理的为一体的共同体,为当地群众提供优质、高效、方便、经济的整合型医疗卫生服务。
中文关键词: 医疗资源  整合  医联体  对策
Abstract:In 2012, the Shanghai Municipal Government initiated the implementation of the “5+3+1” project to accelerate the construction of tertiary hospitals in the suburbs and promote a more balanced distribution of high-quality medical resources in the city. As one of the engineering projects, the branch of a tertiary hospital in Shanghai has actively played the role of high-quality medical resources through the construction of medical alliance, and promoted the integration of medical resources in the outer suburbs. In 2021, according to the deployment of the municipal government, the hospital has started the integration construction and plans to build a regional compact medical alliance to promote the integration of regional medical resources. On the basis of combing and analyzing the current situation and practices of regional medical resources, this topic tries to put forward development countermeasures: based on leading the high-quality integrated development process of the hospital, and in accordance with the basic principles of “government leading, resource integration and department linkage”, it promotes the establishment of regional close medical association, and through optimizing the system and mechanism of medical association construction, establishing the management and operation subject of medical association, and establishing the party-building alliance of medical association, etc. To coordinate the forces of competent departments, local government departments, leading hospitals, member units and other parties, strengthen the integration of resource allocation, and gradually build the medical consortium into a community that integrates services, responsibilities, benefits and management functions and provide high-quality, efficient, convenient and economical integrated medical and health services for local people.
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