(1.湖北医药学院附属太和医院急诊科,湖北 十堰442000;2.华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院骨科,湖北 武汉 430030)
Percutaneous vertebroplasty with high viscosity bone cement for osteoporotic vertebral fracture
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投稿时间:2017-09-13   网络发布日期:2018-03-20
中文摘要: 目的 探讨高黏度骨水泥经皮椎体成形术治疗骨质疏松性腰椎骨折的疗效及对骨代谢生化指标的影响。方法 选取2015年7月至2016年7月接受治疗的骨质疏松性腰椎骨折患者90例。按照随机数表法,均分为两组。观察组45例采用高黏度骨水泥经皮椎体成形术治疗,对照组45例采用传统常规治疗,比较两组患者治疗后视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分、Oswestry功能障碍指数(ODI)脊柱评分、椎体高度,并对术后的骨水泥渗漏及并发症状况进行比较分析。结果 治疗后,两组VAS评分及ODI脊柱评分都有所下降,且观察组明显低于对照组(P<0.01);治疗后,两组患者的椎体前缘高度、椎体中线高度以及椎体后缘高度均显著升高,且观察组明显高于对照组(P<0.01);观察组的骨水泥渗漏及并发症发生率(13.33%、11.11%)明显低于对照组(31.11%、31.11%),两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.114、5.404,P<0.05)。结论 采用高黏度骨水泥经皮椎体成形术治疗骨质疏松性腰椎骨折,能够有效改善患者的椎体高度,改善患者疼痛状况,降低骨水泥渗漏及各类并发症的发生率。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of percutaneous vertebroplasty with high viscosity bone cement in the treatment of osteoporotic lumbar fracture and the improvement of biochemical indexes of bone metabolism.? Methods total of 90 patients with osteoporotic lumbar fractures from July 2015 to July 2016 were divided into observation group and control group according to random number table method (n=45, each). Percutaneous vertebroplasty with high viscosity bone cement was performed in observation group, and conventional treatment was performed in control group. The visual analogue score(VAS), Oswestry disability index (ODI) spine score, spinal vertebral height, bone cement leakage and postoperative complications were compared and analyzed between two groups.? Results After treatment, VAS score and ODI score decreased in both two groups and were significantly lower in observation group than those in control group (P<0.05); the anterior vertebral height, midline vertebral height and vertebral height significantly increased and was significantly higher in observation group than those in control group (P<0.05); the bone cement leakage(13. 33% vs 31. 11%) and complication rate(11.11% vs 31.11%) in observation group were significantly lower than those in control group (χ2=4.1143, 5.4040, P<0.05).? Conclusion Percutaneous vertebroplasty with high viscosity bone cement can effectively improve the vertebral height and predict the risk of lumbar fracturein patients with osteoporotic lumbar fracture.
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