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Received:July 08, 2024 Published Online:January 20, 2025
Received:July 08, 2024 Published Online:January 20, 2025
中文摘要: 平衡思维贯穿中医学辨治疾病的始终,是中医学独具特色的核心理论。吴承玉教授行医50余载,辨治恶性肿瘤经验颇丰,形成了自己独特的学术思想:认为机体阴阳失衡与恶性肿瘤的发生、发展密切相关,临床中通过灵活运用攻补平衡、寒热平衡、升降平衡、润燥平衡等药物偏性,且从组方配伍的动态平衡角度出发,平衡机体内部环境,从而减少患者的痛苦、延长患者的生命。本文对吴承玉教授运用平衡思维治疗恶性肿瘤的经验进行归纳总结,以期为同道提供参考。
Abstract:Balanced thinking is the core theory of Chinese medicine, which runs through the whole process of disease differentiation and treatment in Chinese medicine. Professor Wu Chengyu has been engaged in Chinese medicine clinical practice for more than 50 years, and has rich experience in differentiating and treating malignant tumors, thus forming here own unique academic thoughts: she believes that the imbalance between yin and yang is closely related to the development and progression of malignant tumors. In clinical practice, the internal environment of the body is balanced by flexibly using drug bias such as attack and tonify balance, cold and heat balance, ascending and descending balance, moisturizing and dryness balance, and from the perspective of dynamic balance of prescription compatibility, so as to reduce the pain of patients and prolong the life of patients. This paper summarizes Professor Wu Chengyu's experience in treating malignant tumors with balanced thinking, in hope to provide references for scholars.
keywords: Wu Chengyu Balanced thinking Malignant tumors Internal environment of the body Attack and tonify balance Cold and heat balance Ascending and descending balance Moisturizing and dryness balance Dynamic balance of prescription compatibility
文章编号: 中图分类号:R273 文献标志码:B
基金项目:国家中医药管理局吴承玉全国名老中医药专家传承工作室(国中医药人教函〔2022〕75号);山西省中医药科研课题(2023ZYYB078, 2023ZYYC077)