(1. 四川大学华西天府医院泌尿外科,四川 成都 610000;2. 四川大学华西医院泌尿外科,四川 成都 610041)
Progress of perfusion related problems and nursing in flexible ureteroscopic lithotripsy
(1.Department of Urology, West China Tianfu Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610000, China;2.Department of Urology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China)
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Received:September 11, 2023   Published Online:June 20, 2024
中文摘要: 输尿管软镜结石碎石取石术是目前治疗输尿管结石的主要微创手术方法,具有创伤小、住院时间短、手术风险低等优点。但手术过程中需要大量灌注液冲洗,灌注液的控制对术中保证术野清晰和防止周围尿路上皮和肾组织损伤以及术后感染等具有重要意义。本研究就近年关于灌注液控制的相关问题、灌注方法以及护理进展进行分析和总结。
Abstract:Flexible ureteroscopic lithotripsy is the main minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of ureteral calculi, with many advantages such as little trauma, short hospitalization time and low surgical risk. However, a large amount of perfusion fluid is required for irrigation during the surgery. The control of perfusion fluid was of great significance to ensure the clarity of the operative field, prevent surrounding urothelium and kidney tissue injury and postoperative infection. Therefore, this study has analyzed and summarized the problems related to perfusion fluid control, perfusion methods, and nursing progress in recent years.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R699.4 R473.6    文献标志码:A

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