(1. 山西医科大学第一临床医学院,山西 太原 030001;2. 山西医科大学第一医院病理科,山西 太原 030001)
Relationship between polyamines and polyamine metabolism with malignant tumors
(1.The First Clinical Medical College of Shanxi Medical University, Shanxi, Taiyuan 030001, China;2.Pathology Department, First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Shanxi, Taiyuan 030001, China)
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Received:September 06, 2023   Published Online:June 20, 2024
中文摘要: 多胺包括精胺、亚精胺和腐胺,在真核生物的增殖、分化和发育起着至关重要的作用。在正常细胞中,多种调节机制严格控制着多胺的细胞内浓度,使其维持在特定的生理范围内。然而,在包括恶性肿瘤在内的许多肿瘤状态中,多胺代谢途径中的酶的异常表达导致多胺失调。因此,靶向多胺代谢过程的关键酶有望成为潜在的治疗靶点。多胺还在调节抗肿瘤免疫反应中发挥着重要作用。大量研究表明多胺及其代谢失调在细胞增殖和恶性肿瘤的发生和发展中起着关键作用。本文将系统地阐述多胺及其代谢途径在恶性肿瘤研究中的最新进展。
Abstract:Polyamines such as spermine, spermidine, and putrescine play pivotal roles in the proliferation, differentiation, and development of eukaryotes. Multiple regulatory mechanisms strictly control intracellular polyamine concentrations to maintain them within specific physiological ranges in normal cells. However, abnormal expression of enzymes in the metabolic pathways of polyamines, found in many tumor states such as cancer, results in the dysregulation of polyamines. Targeting key enzymes in the polyamine metabolic process is considered a potential therapeutic strategy, as polyamines are involved in regulating anti-tumor immune responses. Research has shown that dysregulation of polyamine metabolism is critical in cancer development and progression. In this paper, recent advancements in polyamine research will be systematically discussed, including their metabolic pathways in cancer research.
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