(1. 广东医科大学,广东 湛江 524001;2. 广东医科大学附属医院血管甲状腺乳腺外科,广东 湛江 524002)
Research progress on the effect of chemotherapy drugs on ovarian function in breast cancer
(1.Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524001, China;2.Department of Vascular Thyroid and Breast Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524002, China)
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Received:October 11, 2023   Published Online:March 20, 2024
中文摘要: 在具有生育潜能的女性中,乳腺癌化学治疗导致的卵巢功能紊乱具有深远的影响。卵巢功能减退短期可表现为停经、月经紊乱、潮热盗汗、生育能力受损,远期可表现为心血管风险增加、骨密度降低、认知功能障碍等。化疗药物导致卵巢功能减退与药物种类、接受化疗的次数、化疗的剂量、患者的年龄有密切相关性。卵巢功能的保护药物众多,但在临床应用目前仍以促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRHa)为主,其他卵巢保护药物普遍缺乏临床实验数据,其安全性以及对化疗疗效的影响仍待进一步的研究。
Abstract:In women with reproductive potential, ovarian dysfunction caused by chemotherapy for breast cancer has far-reaching effects. Ovarian insufficiency can manifest as amenorrhea, menstrual disorders, hot flashes and night sweats, impaired fertility in the short term, and increased cardiovascular risk, reduced bone density, cognitive impairment in the long term. The occurrence of ovarian insufficiency due to chemotherapy is closely related to the type of drug, the number of chemotherapy sessions, the dose of chemotherapy, and the age of the patient. There are many drugs for protecting ovarian function, but in clinical practice, gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) are still the mainstay. Other ovarian protection drugs generally lack clinical trial data, and their safety and impact on chemotherapy efficacy need further research.
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