(1. 福建医科大学孟超肝胆医院感染科,福建 福州 350025;2. 福建医科大学孟超肝胆医院麻醉科,福建 福州 350025)
Features of anemia in patients coinfected with AIDS and talaromycosis marneffei
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Received:February 13, 2023   Published Online:November 20, 2023
中文摘要: 目的 对艾滋病合并马尔尼菲篮状菌病(TSM)患者的贫血特征进分析。方法 回顾性纳入2016年1月至2020年12月于福建医科大学孟超肝胆医院住院的艾滋病合并TSM患者,收集患者人口学资料及贫血相关实验室结果,分析患者的贫血类型和贫血程度。结果 共纳入383例患者,贫血率为84.33%(323/383)。按贫血程度分级,轻、中、重度贫血占比分别为63.47%、33.74%及2.79%。按红细胞形态分类,小细胞性贫血、正细胞性贫血及大细胞性贫血分别占17.34%、80.80%及1.86%。与非贫血组相比,贫血组患者女性占比高(14.24% vs 3.33%, χ2=5.492, P=0.019);CD4+<20 cells/μL比例高(73.37% vs 60.00%, χ2=4.421, P=0.035);白细胞<3×109/L的患者比例高(36.22% vs 16.67%, χ2=8.731, P=0.003),血小板<50×109/L的患者比例亦更高(19.81% vs 8.33%, χ2=4.516, P=0.034)。结论 艾滋病合并TSM患者贫血率非常高,以轻中度贫血为主,女性及CD4+低的患者更容易出现贫血。对于AIDS合并贫血的患者,临床医师应警惕是否合并TSM,并及时给予干预治疗。
Abstract:Objective To analyze the characteristics of anemia in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) complicated with talaromycosis marneffei (TSM). Methods Patients coinfected with AIDS and TSM in Mengchao Hepatobiliary Hospital of Fujian Medical University between January 2016 and December 2020 were retrospectively included. Demographic data and anemia-related laboratory results were collected, and the type and degree of anemia of the patients were analyzed. Results A total of 383 patients were included and the prevalence of anemia was 84.33%(323/383).According to classification of anemia, mild, moderate and severe anemia accounted for 63.47%, 33.74% and 2.79%, respectively. According to erythrocyte morphology,microcytic anemia,normocytic anemia and macrocytic anemia accounted for 17.34%、80.80% and 1.86%, respectively. Compared with patients without anemia, patients with anemia had more women(14.24% vs 3.33%, χ2=5.492, P=0.019), more CD4+ <20 cells/μL(73.37% vs 60.00%, χ2=4.421, P=0.035), more white blood cell<3×109/L(36.22% vs 16.67%, χ2=8.731, P=0.003)and more blood platelet <50×109/L(19.81% vs 8.33%, χ2=4.516, P=0.034). Conclusion The incidence of anemia in patients coinfected with AIDS and TSM is very high, especially in female patients with CD4+ <20 counts. For AIDS patients with anemia, physicians should pay more attention to these patients and treat them with fungi-medicine timely if necessary.
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