(上海中医药大学附属市中医医院儿科,上海 200071)
Research progress on etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of children's upper airway cough syndrome with Chinese medicine
(Department of Paediatrics, Shanghai Municipal Hospital of TCM Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200071, China)
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Received:November 27, 2022   Published Online:September 19, 2023
中文摘要: 上气道咳嗽综合征(UACS)是儿童常见的一种慢性咳嗽,近年来发病率逐渐增高,中医认为该疾病的主要病位在鼻咽,主要脏腑在肺,与脾肾两脏密切相关。最常见病理因素是风、痰、瘀、虚,基本病因病机是肺气上逆。中医治疗多从辨病与辨证结合论治、辨体与辨证结合论治、分期辨证论治、寒热辨证论治、脏腑辨证论治,以及中医特色外治、中西医结合治疗等方面进行,然以调畅肺气为大主。本文主要阐述中医药对小儿UACS的辨证论治,以及临床治疗效果,以期为中医药治疗小儿UACS的临床应用提供一定的帮助,也为后续中医药治疗儿童UACS更深一步研究提供参考。
Abstract:The upper airway cough syndrome (UACS) is a common chronic cough in children, and it has gradually increased in recent years. Chinese medicine believes that the main location of the disease is nasopharynx, which is closely related to the spleen and kidney. The most common pathological factor is wind, phlegm, deficiency and stasis, and the basic pathogenesis is upward inversion of lung Qi. Chinese medicine treatment mainly focuses on the combination of disease and syndrome differentiation, the combination of body and syndrome differentiation, staged Chinese medicine differentiation and treatment, cold and heat syndrome differentiation, viscera syndrome differentiation, Chinese medicine external treatment and combination of Chinese medicine and western medicine in order to regulate lung Qi. This article mainly elaborates on the differentiation and treatment of Chinese medicine for pediatric UACS, as well as its clinical treatment effects to provide some reference for further research on the treatment of pediatric UACS with Chinese medicine.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R272.6    文献标志码:A

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