(1. 北京中医药大学东方医院,北京 100078;2. 北京中医药大学东直门医院,北京 100700)
Influencing factors and bibliometric study of coronary slow flow
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Received:September 16, 2022   Published Online:July 19, 2023
中文摘要: 目的 通过临床分析结合文献计量学研究探讨慢性冠状动脉(冠脉)综合征(CCS)患者发生冠脉慢血流(CSF)的影响因素。方法 选择2021年9月至2022年7月于东直门医院心血管内科就诊的CCS患者,根据纳排标准,最终纳入CSF组37例,冠脉正常组40例。分析两组一般资料、临床资料与CSF的相关性。以Web of Science为文献来源,检索2002—2022年CSF相关的研究,运用Citespace和Vosviewer软件以关键词作为节点进行共现、聚类和Burst分析,绘制对应的可视化图谱并进行解析。结果 临床研究中,单因素分析后继行多变量logistic回归分析显示,血红蛋白(HGB)水平高(OR=1.103, P=0.001)、心房颤动(AF)(OR=19.791,P=0.010)、冠心病家族史(OR=3.811,P=0.046)为CCS患者发生CSF的独立危险因素。文献计量研究中,共检索到CSF相关文献1 367篇,关键词共现及聚类分析显示,CSF相关的研究热点疾病主要集中在心绞痛、心肌梗死、经皮冠状动脉介入治疗和动脉疾病;影像学研究热点集中在血管内超声、心肌梗死溶栓试验(TIMI)血流计数、造影;机制研究热点主要集中在动脉粥样硬化、内皮功能障碍和炎症,且近5年CSF的研究热点偏重于临床管理及预后。结论 CCS患者发生CSF的独立危险因素有HGB水平高、AF、冠心病家族史。文献计量研究中CSF的机制研究热点主要集中于动脉粥样硬化、内皮功能障碍和炎症。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the influencing factors of coronary slow flow(CSF) in patients with chronic coronary syndrome(CCS) through clinical analysis and bibliometric study. Methods A total of 90 CCS patients who visited Dongzhimen Hospital from September 2021 to July 2022 were consecutively selected and divided into CSF group(n=37) and the normal coronary artery group(control group, n=40) according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The correlation between general clinical data and CSF in two groups was compared. Taking Web of Science as the literature source, the related research on CSF from 2002 to 2022 was searched. Citespace and Vosviewer software were used to carry out co-occurrence, clustering and Burst analysis with keywords as nodes, and the corresponding visual map was drawn and analyzed. Results Multivariable logistic regression analysis after univariate analysis showed that elevated hemoglobin(HGB, OR=1.103, P=0.001), atrial fibrillation(OR=19.791, P=0.010) and family history of coronary heart disease(OR=3.811, P=0.046) were the independent factors for the occurrence of CSF in CCS patients. A total of 1367 CSF-related articles were included in the bibliometric study. Keyword co-occurrence and cluster analysis showed that CSF-related disease hotspots mainly focused on angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary intervention and arterial disease. The research hotspots in imaging focused on intravascular ultrasound, thrombolysis in myocardial infarction(TIMI) blood flow measurements and angiography. The mechanism research mainly focused on atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction and inflammation. In the past five years, CSF-related research hotspots have focused on clinical management and prognosis. Conclusion The independent risk factors of CSF in CCS patients include elevated HGB, atrial fibrillation and family history of coronary heart disease. Atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction and inflammation are linked to the development of CSF in bibliometric study.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R543.3    文献标志码:B

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