(1. 内蒙古医科大学第一临床医学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010;2. 内蒙古医科大学附属医院肝胆胰脾外科,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
Research progress of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in pancreatic diseases
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Received:July 02, 2022   Published Online:February 20, 2023
中文摘要: 胰腺“深居”腹膜后,作为人体第二大消化腺,兼具外分泌和内分泌功能。而胰腺疾病是一种十分复杂的疾病,包括胰腺癌、急性和慢性胰腺炎,是威胁人类生命健康的重要疾病。目前对胰腺疾病的分子通路及机制的研究虽然已经取得了一定的进展,但是仍然存在很多未知。上皮间充质转化(EMT)是指上皮细胞逐渐丧失其固有特性和功能,从而获得间质细胞表型的过程。EMT在胰腺癌、急性、慢性胰腺炎等多种胰腺疾病中发挥着重要的作用。本文对EMT分子特征和近年来在胰腺炎及胰腺癌中的应用及进展作一综述。
Abstract:As the second largest digestive gland in the human body, the pancreas lives deep behind the peritoneum and has both exocrine and endocrine functions. Pancreatic disease is a very complex disease, including pancreatic cancer, acute and chronic pancreatitis, which has been an important disease threatening human life and health. At present, although some progress has been made in the molecular pathway and mechanism of pancreatic diseases, there are still many unknowns. The role of epithelial mesenchymal transition in pancreatic diseases is a research hotspot. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) refers to the process in which epithelial cells gradually lose their intrinsic characteristics and functions, thus obtaining the phenotype of mesenchymal cells. EMT plays an important role in many pancreatic diseases such as pancreatic cancer, acute and chronic pancreatitis. This article reviews the molecular characteristics of EMT and its application and progress in pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer in recent years.
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