(1. 南京中医药大学中医学院·中西医结合学院,江苏 南京 210023;2. 南京中医药大学养生康复学院,江苏 南京 210023)
Pathogenesis and prevention of vascular dementia from the theory of “chronic disease entering the collaterals”
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Received:July 10, 2022   Published Online:September 20, 2022
中文摘要: 基于“久病入络”理论探析血管性痴呆的病机,认为血管性痴呆临床表现符合“久病入络”的病症特征,发病切合“久病入络”的病机特点,属中医络病范畴。临床对该病治疗体现“络病以通为用”的特点,灵活采用通络之法每获良效,故“久病入络”理论对血管性痴呆治疗有重要指导作用。同时提出在充分认识络病病机特点基础上,当细思“久病入络”中蕴藏的治未病思想,在临床治疗中防治并重,防重于治,阻断或消除“久病”的可能病理因素,将更有益于血管性痴呆等慢性难治性疾病的预防与治疗。
Abstract:Based on the theory of “chronic disease entering the collaterals”, this paper analyzes the pathogenesis of vascular dementia, and believes that the clinical manifestation of vascular dementia conforms to the disease characteristics of “chronic disease entering the collaterals”, and the onset conforms to the pathogenesis characteristics of “chronic disease entering the collaterals”, which belongs to the category of collateral diseases in Chinese medicine. The clinical treatment of this disease reflects the characteristics of “collateral disease is used for dredging”, and the flexible use of the method of dredging collaterals achieves good results. Therefore, the theory of “chronic disease entering collaterals” plays an important guiding role in the treatment of vascular dementia. At the same time, it is proposed that on the basis of a full understanding of the pathogenesis of collateral diseases, it will be more beneficial to the prevention and treatment of chronic and refractory diseases such as vascular dementia when thinking carefully about the idea of pre-treatment contained in “chronic disease entering the collateral”, paying equal attention to prevention and treatment in clinical treatment, and blocking or eliminating the possible pathological factors of “chronic disease”.
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