(山西医科大学第二医院内分泌科,山西 太原 030001)
Related mechanism of SIRT6 in diabetic nephropathy
(Department of Endocrinology, the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030001, China)
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Received:October 20, 2021   Published Online:May 20, 2022
中文摘要: 尿病肾病作为糖尿病严重的微血管并发症之一,是我国继心血管疾病和癌症之后,威胁人们生命健康,影响生活质量的又一严重慢性病。加深对其发病机制的理解和探索新型治疗策略至关重要。大量研究表明沉默信息调节因子6(Silent information regulator 6,Sirtuin 6,SIRT6)与高糖所致的肾脏损伤密切相关,其可能的机制是通过抵抗足细胞损伤、肾脏炎症及纤维化等改善肾脏功能。本文对SIRT6改善糖尿病肾病的相关机制研究做简要概述。
Abstract:Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most serious microvascular complications of diabetes and is another serious chronic disease following cardiovascular disease and cancer that threatens people's life and health and affects the quality of life. It is very important to deepen the understanding of its pathogenesis and explore new treatment strategies. A large number of studies have shown that silent information regulator 6(SIRT6) is closely related to the improvement of high glucose-induced renal injury, and the possible mechanism is to improve renal function by resisting podocyte injury, renal inflammation and fibrosis. This article briefly summarizes the relevant mechanism of SIRT6 in improving diabetic nephropathy.
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