(南京中医药大学第二附属医院肛肠科,江苏 南京)
Symptom distribution characteristics and risk factors of female pelvic floor dysfunction
(Department of Anorectal, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210017, China)
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Received:March 08, 2021   Published Online:November 20, 2021
中文摘要: 目的 了解女性盆底功能障碍性疾病(PFD)症状分布特征及其危险因素。方法 将PFD可能危险因素设计成问卷,于2021年2月至3月采用问卷星软件通过微信朋友圈发布问卷,调查18岁以上的女性。结果 共获得来自全国662份完整问卷,参与调查者来自20个省份,涵盖多种职业。至少有以下症状之一,包括排便困难、大便失禁、漏尿、阴道肿物脱出、盆腔坠胀,即被诊断为PFD。本调查424例(64.0%)受访者为PFD患者,其中210例(31.8%)受访者诉漏尿,237例(35.8%)诉排便困难,122例(18.4%)诉大便失禁,49例(7.4%)诉阴道有肿物脱出,143例(21.6%)诉盆腔坠胀。COX比例风险模型多因素分析显示,BMI高、久站、有憋尿习惯、分娩次数多和产后恢复工作早增加PFD风险,经常体育锻炼可以降低PFD风险(P<0.05)。结论 在女性中,超过六成受访者诉有PFD症状,BMI增加、久站、有憋尿习惯、分娩次数多和过早恢复工作可能增加PFD风险,经常体育锻炼可以降低PFD风险;因此对生育后的女性进行PFD健康教育、指导正确的盆底和体育锻炼,可以降低PFD发生率。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the symptom distribution characteristics and risk factors of female pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD). Methods The possible risk factors of PFD were designed as questionnaire, and the questionnaire was released through WeChat moments using the questionnaire star software in February 2021 to March 2021. The survey subjects were women over 18 years. Results A total of 662 questionnaires were obtained from 20 provinces, covering a variety of occupations. 424 cases (64.4%) had at least one of the following symptoms were diagnosed PFD, including dysdefecation, fecal incontinence, leakage of urine, prolapse of vaginal swelling, pelvic swelling. 210 cases (31.8%) complained of leakage of urine, 237 cases (35.8%) complained of dysdefecation, 122 cases (18.4%) complained of fecal incontinence, 49 cases (7.4%) complained of vaginal prolapse, 143 cases (21.6%) complained of pelvic swelling. Cox proportional hazard model multivariate analysis showed that high BMI, frequent long standing, frequent urination habit, more delivery times and return to work early after childbirth increased the risk of PFD, and regular physical exercise could reduce the risk of PFD(P<0.05). Conclusions In women, more than 60% of the respondents complained of PFD symptoms. Higher BMI, frequent long standing, frequent urination habit, more childbirth times and return to work early after childbirth may increase the risk of PFD, regular physical exercise can reduce the risk of PFD. Therefore, PFD should be carried out for women after childbirth health education, correct guidance of pelvic floor and physical exercise can reduce the incidence of PFD.
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