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16S rDNA测序探讨藏族和汉族肠易激综合征患者肠道菌群的差异
(西藏自治区人民政府驻成都办事处医院 华西医院西藏成办分院消化内科,四川 成都 610041)
16S rDNA sequencing in exploring the difference of intestinal flora between Tibetan and Han patients with irritable bowel syndrome
(Department of Gastroenterology,the Hospital of Chengdu Office of People′s Government of Tibet Autonomous Region,Chengdu,Sichuan 610041,China)
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Received:March 11, 2020   Published Online:December 20, 2020
中文摘要: 目的 通过16S核糖体脱氧核糖核酸(16S rDNA)测序方法分析藏、汉族肠易激综合征(IBS)患者的肠道菌群差异。方法 选取2018年4月至2019年1月确诊的藏族(25例)和汉族(20例)IBS患者作为研究对象,采用Illumima Miseq对两组粪便进行16S rDNA测序,并对测序结果进行生物信息学分析。结果 Simpson指数显示,藏族IBS患者肠道菌群的物种多样性显著低于汉族IBS患者(P=0.030 6)。物种差异分析显示,藏族IBS组中拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和普雷沃菌_9属(Prevotella_9)丰度以及肠道菌群定植抗力拟杆菌门/厚壁菌门(B/F)值都显著高于汉族IBS组(P=0.016 99,0.000 934 1和0.006 644),而拟杆菌属(Bacteroides)、布劳特菌属(Blautia)和霍氏真杆菌属(Eubacterium_hallii)丰度则显著低于汉族IBS组(P=0.040 91、0.000 108 1和0.036 49)。基于未观测状态重建的群落系统发育研究(PICRUSt)功能预测分析显示,藏族IBS组的蛋白质同源群簇(COG)功能分类和京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)功能预测与汉族IBS组之间基本无差异。结论 与汉族比较,藏族IBS患者肠道菌群失调情况较轻,肠道菌群定植抗力增强,致病菌减少,有益菌增加,该结论可为藏族IBS患者的个性化治疗方案提供依据。
Abstract:Objective To analyze the difference of intestinal flora between Tibetan patients and Han patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) sequencing.Methods Twenty-five Tibetan patients (Tibetan group) and 20 Han patients (Han group) diagnosed with IBS from April 2018 to January 2019 were selected.16S rDNA sequence in feces was performed by Illumima Miseq in two groups,and the bioinformatics analysis was conducted on the sequencing results.Results Simpson index showed that the species diversity of intestinal flora in Tibetan IBS group were significantly lower than that in Han IBS group (P=0.030 6).Species difference analysis showed that the abundance of Bacteroidetes,Prevotella_9,and the colonization resistance B/F value of intestinal flora in Tibetan IBS group were significantly higher than those in Han IBS group (P=0.016 99,0.000 934 1,0.006 644,respectively),while the abundance of Bacteroides,Blautia and Escherichia-Shigella were significantly lower than those in Han IBS group (P=0.040 91,0.000 108 1 and 0.036 49,respectively).Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States(PICRUSt) function prediction analysis showed that there were no significant differences in cluster of orthologous groups of proteins(COG)function classification and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) function prediction between two groups(P>0.05). Conclusion In Tibetan IBS patients,the intestinal flora imbalance is less serious, and the colonization resistance of intestinal flora is enhanced,with the decrease of pathogenic bacteria and increase of beneficial bacteria compared with Han patients. This conclusion can provide the individualized treatment of Tibetan IBS patients.
文章编号:     中图分类号:R574.4    文献标志码:A

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