(四川大学华西医院全科医学科,四川 成都610041)
Overall survival of colorectal cancer treated with metformin in diabetic patients:a metaanalysis
(Department of General Medicine,West China Hospital of Sichuan University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610041,China)
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Received:August 18, 2019   Published Online:February 20, 2020
中文摘要: 目的 鉴于多项研究报告了关于二甲双胍治疗糖尿病患者结直肠癌(CRC)之间的相互关系及相互矛盾的结果,本研究评价二甲双胍对糖尿病CRC患者总体生存率(OS)的影响。方法 通过PubMed、the Cochrane Library和the Web of Science等数据库进行相关文献检索,采用NewcastleOttawa Scale 16进行系统评价,运用Stata 14.0软件进行Meta分析。结果共纳入9项回顾性队列研究的英文文献,共包括9 297例使用二甲双胍的CRC患者和5 429例未使用二甲双胍的CRC患者。结果显示,二甲双胍使用可显著提高患者的OS(HR=0.74,95%CI:0.66~0.83,P=0.000)。结论二甲双胍的使用可提高糖尿病CRC患者的OS。
Abstract:Objective Multiple studies have reported the interrelationships and contradictory results of metformin in the treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC) in patients with diabetes.This article systematically evaluates the overall survival of metformin in the treatment of CRC in patients with diabetes.Methods The relevant literatures were searched through PubMed,the Cochrane Library and the Web of Science database.NewcastleOttawa Scale 16 was used for quality evaluation,and Stata 14.0 software was used for metaanalysis.Results English literatures from 9 retrospective cohort studies were included,including 9 297 patients with CRC who used metformin and 5 429 patients with CRC who did not use metformin.The results showed that metformin use significantly improved overall survival for patients(HR=0.74,95%CI:0.66-0.83,P=0.000).Conclusion The metaanalysis has shown that the use of metformin can improve the overall survival of diabetes patients with CRC.
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