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Received:July 05, 2018 Published Online:December 21, 2018
Received:July 05, 2018 Published Online:December 21, 2018
中文摘要: 目的 分析肝癌合并急性肺栓塞临床特点、相关危险因素、实验室检查、诊断、治疗及其预后。 方法 2012年1月至2016年1月收治的肝癌合并急性肺栓塞患者12例,均行下腔静脉滤器植入术及经导管内肺动脉溶栓术,术中给予重组组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(rt-PA)36 mg动脉灌注,18 mg/次,间隔30 min;术后给予低分子肝素钠注射液5 000 U,皮下注射,1次/12 h,连用7 d;7 d后改为阿司匹林肠溶片100 mg/次,1次/d,连用9~12个月。 结果 肝癌合并急性肺栓塞治疗后复查胸部CT血管成像(CTA),与治疗前对比栓子栓塞程度明显改善,其中双侧主干及其主要分支不完全性栓塞完全开通率33.3%(4/12),单侧主干及其主要分支完全性及不完全性栓塞完全开通率66.7%(8/12),二级分支以下完全性及不完全性栓塞完全开通率100%。在临床症状方面治疗后12例休克或血压下降完全恢复正常;5例右心室功能不全者完全临床治愈3例,部分临床缓解2例;3例肺栓塞三联征者完全临床治愈2例,1例临床缓解。在实验室检测方面12例治疗后肺动脉压力由(45.73±2.42)mm Hg降为(25.21±1.69)mm Hg;D-二聚体由(5.72±4.19)mg/L降为(0.86±0.17)mg/L;动脉血氧分压由(78.48±3.74)mm Hg恢复至(91.23±2.53)mm Hg,治疗前后相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。 结论 肝癌合并急性肺栓塞,伴有肺动脉主干或主要分支血栓形成,需行下腔静脉滤器植入术及经导管内肺动脉溶栓治疗,经皮导管内溶栓治疗最常用于出血风险高的高危或中危肺栓塞患者,应在有经验的医院进行治疗,导管直接溶栓优于系统性溶栓,导管溶栓时溶栓药剂量可以减低,从而降低出血风险。术后需继续抗凝治疗,其临床疗效肯定。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics, risk factors, laboratory examination, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma complicated with acute pulmonary embolism (PE). Methods All 12 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma combined with acute pulmonary embolism from January 2012 to January 2016 received inferior vena cava filter implantation and intra-catheter pulmonary thrombolysis. During the operation, the patients were treated with 36 mg recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) (intra-arterial infusion, 18 mg every 30 minutes). After operation, low molecular weight heparin sodium injection (5 000 U, subcutaneous injection, q12 h) was given for 7 days and then converted to aspirin (100 mg, qd, Po) for 9 to 12 months. Results The chest CT angiography (CTA) showed that treatment significantly improved the degree of embolism. The recanalization rate was 33.3% (4/12) in bilateral trunk and its main branches, 66.7% (8/12) in unilateral trunk and its main branches and 100% (12/12) in sub-secondary branches. In terms of clinical symptoms, 12 cases of shock or hypotension recovered completely after treatment, 5 cases of right ventricular dysfunction were completely cured in 3 cases and 2 cases of partial clinical remission. There were 3 cases of pulmonary embolism triad, in which 2 cases were completely cured and 1 case was clinically remitted. In laboratory tests, pulmonary artery pressure [(45.73±2.42) mm Hg vs (25.21±1.69) mm Hg] and D-dimer [(5.72±4.19) mg/L vs (0.86±0.17) mg/L] were decreased and arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) [(78.48±3.74) mm Hg vs (91.23±2.53) mmHg] was higher after the treatment (all P<0.01). Conclusion Hepatocellular carcinoma complicated with acute pulmonary embolism, accompanied by thrombosis of the main or main branches of pulmonary artery, requires inferior vena cava filter implantation and intra-ductal pulmonary thrombolysis. Percutaneous intra-ductal thrombolysis is most commonly used in patients with high or medium dangerous pulmonary embolism with high risk of bleeding. It should be treated in experienced hospitals, and by direct introductal thrombolysis. Direct intraductal thrombolysis is superior to systemic thrombolysis, and its dosage of the thrombolytic drug can reduced during intaductal thrombolysis, thereby reducing the risk of bleeding. Anticoagulant therapy is necessary after operation, and its clinical curative effect is affirmative.
keywords: Hepatocellular carcinoma Acute pulmonary embolism Pulmonary artery pressure Arterial partial pressure of oxygen Chest CT angiography
文章编号: 中图分类号:R 735.7,R 563.5 文献标志码:B