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投稿时间:2022-12-26 网络发布日期:2023-07-19
投稿时间:2022-12-26 网络发布日期:2023-07-19
中文摘要: 目的 探讨临床研究协调员(CRC)职业认同、职业倦怠、离职意愿的影响因素及相关性,为临床试验提供人员保障。
方法 采用整群抽样调查法对500名2022年8月至9月期间江苏省内在职的CRC进行基本情况问卷、职业认同评定量表、工作倦怠量表、离职意愿量表的调查。对收集的资料进行分析。
结果 CRC职业认同评分均值为(107.87±14.20)分,为中等职业认同;职业倦怠评分均值为(44.62±17.31)分,为中度职业倦怠;离职意愿评分均值为(14.59±3.27)分,离职意愿较高。职业认同分别与职业倦怠、离职意愿呈负线性相关(r=-0.632,r=-0.376,P<0.01),职业倦怠与离职意愿呈正线性相关(r=0.423,P<0.01)。
结论 CRC职业认同、职业倦怠处于中等水平,离职意愿处于较高水平,三者之间具有相关性。职业认同、职业倦怠会影响离职意愿,进而产生实际的离职行动。应加强CRC行业队伍建设,建立统一资质要求及培训标准,提高其对自身角色的认识和专业能力,保证其工作的稳定性,进而保障临床试验的质量。
Abstract:Objective To explore the influencing factors and correlation of professional identity, professional burnout and turnover intention of clinical research coordinator (CRC), so as to provide personnel support for the clinical trials. Methods A total of 500 CRC working in Jiangsu Province from August to September 2022 were investigated by cluster sampling including basic situation questionnaire, professional identity rating scale, professional burnout scale and turnover intention scale. Results The mean score of professional identity of CRC was 107.87±14.20, which was medium professional identity. The average score of professional burnout was 44.62±17.31, which was modium professional burnout. The mean score of turnover intention was 14.59±3.27, which was higher. Professional identity was negatively linearly correlated with professional burnout and turnover intention (r=-0.632, r=-0.376, P<0.01) respectively, while professional burnout was positively linearly correlated with turnover intention (r=0.423, P<0.01).
Conclusion Professional identity and professional burnoutt of CRC are at medium level, while turnover intention is at high level,and there is a correlation between the three. Professional identity and burnout will affect turnover intention and then produce actual turnover action. The construction of the CRC industry team should be strengthened, and unified qualification requirements and training standards should be established, to improve the understanding of their roles and professional ability, and to ensure the stability of CRCs work, so as to ensure the quality of clinical trials.
keywords: Clinical research coordinator Professional identity Professional burnout Turnover intention Clinical trial Clinical research
文章编号: 中图分类号:R197.323 文献标志码:B